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  • OK City Chorus Director Assumes Role as Sweet Adelines International President
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Dec 5 2024
    OK City Chorus Director Assumes Role as Sweet Adelines International President
    ~ Submitted by Linda Hammett

    Mary Rhea, Director of the
    OK City Chorus of Sweet Adelines, performed her first public duty as President of the organization at the International Convention in Kansas City, Kansas, on October 29 by delivering the welcome and opening speech for the competition., which would begin that evening with the Harmony Classic Competition.  The position of President is determined by a vote of the entire membership of over 30,000 ladies around the world  and is an office held for two years. 

    Mary has been involved in SAI (Sweet Adelines International) for many years in many different areas.  She has been a member of six choruses all over the world.  She has also been in  eight different quartets, one of which—ZING!—won the International Quartet Contest in 2010.  She has started and/or directed several choruses and is currently director of the OK City Chorus.  She has achieved the status of Master Director by earning a 600 plus score at a competition.  She has served in leadership roles both on the International and Regional levels.  She is on the International Education Director Committee and the Educational Review Board.  Regionally, Mary serves on the Regional Education Steering Committee and is Regional Quartet Retreat Co-chair.  She is also on the Regional faculty, presenting lectures at various regional educational events.  Her credentials definitely make her an excellent person to fill the position of President of this great organization.

    It is the custom at the International Convention to make introductions of the President before she opens the contest.  This year, Mary’s husband, Russ, did an excellent job of presenting his very talented wife to the audience, listing the great qualities and skills that she has that will help her be a good president.  He also told about how much she loves singing and loves the organization.  SAI will definitely be a better group by having her at the helm for the next two years.

  • OK City Enjoys Thunder Basketball Night
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Nov 23 2024
    OK City Enjoys Thunder Basketball Night
    ~ Submitted by Linda Hammett

    November 4 was an exciting day for members of the OK City Chorus.  As a Member Agency of Allied Arts, we were gifted a block of tickets for the Oklahoma Thunder basketball team as they faced the Orlando Magic. 

    There were about 50 ladies who gathered in Loud City to join in cheering for our team.  All were not members of the chorus—some brought friends or family members—but everyone enjoyed being together.  The stadium was full by the time the game started, and the performance of the Thunder did not disappoint.  Off to a great start, scoring in the first few minutes of the game, the Thunder went on to win the game, 102-86. 

    For some of the ladies, it was their first game, while some have season’s tickets.  Others had not been in a very long time.   We extend our appreciation to Allied Arts for making this evening possible.
  • OK City Chorus @ Summer Music Camp
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Jul 1 2024
    OK City Chorus @ Summer Music Camp
    ~ Submitted by Cindy Allen ~

    OK City Chorus made a striking impression at the annual Sweet Adelines Region 25 Come On and Sing Summer Music Camp. More than 20 local members joined around 150 others from across Region 25 at the event held on June 21-22 at Edmond Church of Christ.

    Region 25 boasts 18 choruses and over 20 quartets from Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri and Kansas.

    The two-day camp was packed with enriching activities, including classes, special presentations, quartet coaching, personal vocal instruction and chorus rehearsals. Members of the OK City Chorus were enthusiastic participants and some also took on roles as faculty presenters.

    A highlight of the camp was the presence of Lea Baker, who traveled all the way from New Zealand to serve as the special guest faculty. Her presentations focused on helping chorus members find their expressive and engaging voices through techniques like identifying head, chest, and mixed voice and adopting a growth mindset.

    “I really loved learning about body energy and how to use it to enhance our singing,” said Myrth Mehl, a new member of OKC City Chorus. “But I love getting to know other members of the chorus as well.
    Often you just know those on your side of the risers so it was really great to talk to the ‘other side’ and interact. It was awesome singing with the chorus for the first time!”

    Mary Rhea, the director of OK City Chorus, inspired future directors with her presentation, "Could I Be a Director? Yes." Donna Smith engaged the audience with her talk, "Gap to Good Times," which addressed ways for Sweet Adelines to appeal to chorus members of all ages. Mary and Donna also teamed up to teach a class on creating chorus packages for competition, while Jen Foster led a session for team leaders.

    Donna’s session on engaging women from different age groups highlighted the challenging differences that multi-generational choruses face, she said.

    “We learned what has influenced each generation and ways to tap into the strengths of each age group, whether Boomer or Zoomer,” Donna said.

    A standout feature of the camp was the Top Gun quartet coaching sessions, which offered valuable insights for quartets looking to refine their performances. These sessions were a highlight for many attendees who eagerly observed the coaching in action.

    The camp concluded on a high note with the "Big Show," featuring chorus and quartet presentations. OK City Chorus delivered a moving rendition of "The Sounds of Silence" and was joined by the Wichita Chorus for a powerful performance of "We Can Work It Out."

    “SMC never disappoints,” Donna said. “Seeing old friends, making new ones and enjoying this thing we love and I always learn so much, plus have so much fun.”

    Adding to the excitement, Lea Baker joined OK City Chorus for their Tuesday night rehearsal, providing expert coaching on their competition ballad and up-tune presentations.

  • OK City Chorus Seniors Perform in Senior Follies
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Jun 15 2024
    OK City Chorus Seniors Perform in Senior Follies
    ~ Submitted by Linda Hammett ~

    Founded in 2011 by Bobbie Burbridge Lane, the Senior Follies’ mission is to celebrate Oklahoma’s premier senior performers of stage, screen, television and radio, while raising funds to support senior-centric services.  This year’s beneficiary is the Alzheimer’s Association.  The follies were held on June 8 and 9 at UCO Mitchell Hall. 

    The OK City Chorus was among the special guests invited to perform on the show this year, and they were delighted to  share the stage with some very talented acts, which included tap dancers, ball-room dancers, singers, comedians, musicians and more.  All participants had to be 55 and older, and the chorus had about 30 ladies who were able to sing at one or both of the performances.  The chorus opened the show with two songs—Happy Together and Zing Went the Strings of My Heart.  They then moved to the green room to await their return to the stage in the second act.  This break afforded an opportunity for the ladies to visit and get better acquainted, relax and even play a few games of Trivia, Phase 10 and Charades!  They returned to the stage near the end of the show to sing The Sounds of Silence and Sweet Dreams. 
    The show ended with a curtain call and introduction of all acts, with the chorus lining the stage from the floor and joining in the clapping as the band played We Are Family.  At the conclusion of the curtain call, the band played Oklahoma, and the audience and performers joined together to sing. 
    This was a very enjoyable experience for the chorus members, and it is hoped that they will have more opportunities to entertain in the community.

  • 2024 OK City Awards & Installation Banquet
  •  Date Posted: Mon, May 13 2024
    2024 OK City Awards & Installation Banquet
    ~ Submitted by Cheryl Standage ~

    There were 101 in attendance for the 2024 Banquet which included several past members (Glenna Howard, George Ann Hite, and Alma Moore).

    Members and guests were entertained “On the Air with WSAI” with DJs Barb Underwood and Lyn Graham.

    Underwood and Graham, famous for their wit and entertaining style, did not disappoint and showcased the Addy Awards with some amazing talent. Beginning with the Rookies, led by the talented Vickie Dennis, who sang Sweet Adeline, well…. with such talent the Rookie skit was “one of a kind” for sure!

    The next song on the DJ’s list of hits was one from the top of the charts, Champagne for Real Friends and Pain for Sham Friends as they introduced OK City Chorus Secretary, Sara Anders.  In a rare moment, Anders had nothing much to  say but stated that the minutes were on the chorus website.

    Next on the song line up was If my Nose Were Running Money, I’d Blow it all on You!  This song was so appropriate as they announced Judy Moore as the newly appointed OK City Finance Coordinator (replacing Julie Robinson).  Moore thanked Robinson for her assistance as she navigates through her new position, and Julie of course reciprocated with her thanks to Judy for picking up the secretarial ball.

    The new hit, Car for a Song, was next On the Air with WSAI as Jenifer Allbaugh, OK City Music Services Coordinator was announced.

    Allbaugh began by singing It Takes a Village, as she thanked her many helpers, including the makeup team (Jen Foster, Casey Lambert, Karen Fox, Cheryl Standage, Leah Arnold, Mary Ann Heath, and Zon Kordic Binkley).  Kudos also went to Leslie Briggs for handling the sound system, Martha Thomason for ZOOM, and asked all those who have helped with risers to stand and be recognized – too many to name.  Allbaugh gave shout-outs to Rod Gertson, Greg Rogers, Russell Rhea and Shane Lambert for their continued help and support of the chorus.

    DJs Underwood and Graham and the audience took a big sigh, then announced Sarah Montgomery, OK City Chorus Member Services Coordinator, stating that the growth and change was so great it was “out of hand”!  Montgomery began by presenting Longevity awards to the following:
    5 Years: Amanda Coon, Sabrina Hetzler, Carrie Price, Ellen Engh
    10 Years: Nicole Gray, Susan James
    15 Years: Jen Foster, Audra Haney, Casey Lambert, Julie Moler
    30 Years: Karen Fox, Nancy Nortz, Karen Phillips
    35 Years: Zon Kordic Binkley


    Montgomery continued by thanking all who helped with the OK City sign and mailbox each week and Sara Anders for organizing the pattern bags, Nicki Austin for handling Chorus Buddies and Auditions, Carol Pruitt for sending Birthday cards and many more, including: 
    Lynn Rogers – who has made a power point presentation to describe the audition process, updated our guest guide, and new member information.
    Linda Hammett – who sends occasion cards, along with certificates and labels, and enters new members into the Church Directory.
    Michelle Simpson – for taking attendance and sending notes to those who have missed rehearsal. 
    Lyn Graham – for picking up name tags.
    Rhonda Hall – for writing notes to first time visitors.  Joining her with this task are Karen Andrews, Lori Riemenschneider, Debbie Hamilton, Vivian Carpenter, and Jen Foster.

    For Social Chair - Paula Reed, and in her absence to Sabrina Hetzler for stepping up to help.
    Cheryl Hicks, Lindsey Fite, Lori R, Debbie K, Susan Boyd, Becky Smith, Sabrina Hetzler, Courtney Curtis, Mary Ann Heath, and Michelle Simpson Helpers help set up and put away Guest Table.  Cheryl Standage – for keeping in touch with former members for shows and events.  

    On the Air with WSAI next announced the incomparable Casey Lambert, OK City Chorus Promotions Coordinator. Casey unveiled a 2.9% jump in Facebook reach and a 100% improvement in organic reach, and thanked Nancy Nortz for her proof work and ideas. Nicki Austin and Martha Thomason get outstanding marks for their work on the chorus website and social media presence. Thanks went to the Management Team, Linda Hammett for pictures and Savannah Head for the slideshow.

    Nancy Nortz, OK City Chorus Events Coordinator, was up next.  Thanks was reciprocated when Nancy thanked Casey Lambert for her promotions work. Thanks went to Julie Robinson for always being there to answer her money questions, Martha Thomason and Nicki Austin for their work on the website and Facebook, Jenifer Allbaugh for her facility work, Susan Gertson for helping EVERYONE, Donna Smith for all the work she does on setting up gigs, Lacy Reed for her work on Youth in Harmony, Judy Moore for organizing Singing Valentines, Barb and Lyn for hosting the banquet, Caroline Shacklett for the banquet decorations and to the many others who helped on the Annual Show.

    WSAI News Break!!

    Local Elections were held where apparently the following people managed to be re-elected to the OK City Management Team!
    1. Membership Chair:  Sarah Montgomery
    2. Promotion Chair:  Casey Lambert
    3. Team Leader:  Susan Gertson
    The three were installed with the very appropriate quote:  I CAN AND I WILL!

    Susan Gertson, OK City Chorus Team Leader, addressed the audience with amazing statistics announcing that the chorus had 19 new members since last year’s Installation Banquet.  Gertson also stated that OK City’s 2nd place at Regionals was in “first place” in the 2nd place category and was in 6th place overall!  Whew…. Did you get that??  Gertson thanked OK City Music Director Mary Rhea for her leadership and guidance and assured Rhea that she would have the chorus support during her Presidency.  Gertson presented the DJ Hensley Administrative Award to the very deserving and very honored Sabrina Hetzler.

    Susan then presented our OK City Chorus Director Mary Rhea a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the chorus, and Donna Smith presented to her a very cool T-shirt reflecting her prestigious and deserving titles, QUEEN, PRESIDENT, BOTH!  OK City Chorus is so proud to have the Sweet Adeline International President added this year to her Queen status earned with Zing in 2010. 

    Rhea thanked all the section leaders, Lynn Rogers - Tenor Section, Susan Gertson - Baritone Section, Paula Scott - Lead Section, and Reba Osburn - Bass Section.   Rhea also thanked the Assistant Directors, Nancy Nortz, Paula Scott and Vickie Dennis, the visual team, Zon Kordic Binkley, Nancy Nortz and Donna Smith.  Rhea continued by thanking Leslie Briggs for her work as Music Librarian and Scottie Frakes, Paula Reed, Amanda Coon, Julie Moler and Audra Haney for handling the pitch pipes, the Creative Team, Leah, Barb, Lyn, Casey, Marie, Courtney, and Donna, for their ideas and shows and for making her ideas a reality.  Rhea assured all the WSAI listeners that she is here first for the OK City Chorus and plans to be at most Tuesday rehearsals as she navigates the SAI Presidency.

    Sara Anders presented the Opal Chandler Award to a very deserving Martha Thomason and thanked Linda Hammett, Cindy Allen, and Cheryl Standage for the great articles they have written thus far for the chorus website.

    Wrapping up the star-studded evening was a slideshow showcasing the OK City Chorus’ fabulous year of fun, achievement, and exciting memories.

    Signing off from On the Air with WSAI is Barb Underwood and Lyn Graham.

    Be sure and Stay Tuned while we make another year of fun, achievement, and exciting memories to celebrate!

  • Singing with OK City - Rookies' Perspective
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Apr 13 2024
    Singing with OK City - Rookies' Perspective
    ~ Submitted by Cindy Allen ~
    Singing in the OK City Chorus is an experience steeped in harmony and camaraderie. The slogan for OK City Chorus is “Where Music Makes Magic.” But just as important is the harmony of friendship participating in the organization provides, according to some new members who have been singing with the chorus for less than a year.

    All the new members have a variety of singing experience levels. But all said they are excited to have music be a part of their activities.

    The essence of singing with OK City Chorus lies not just in vocal skill, but the profound connection formed among its members, according to Cindy Allen, a new member who joined in February 2024.

    “I have always enjoyed singing, but I haven’t been part of an organized singing group in many years,” she said. “I was definitely stepping outside of my comfort zone when I inquired about joining; however, I soon learned that OK City Chorus is a tight-knit community that provides encouragement and a collective pursuit of excellence.”

    Lisa Kirkpatrick, another new member, said she is glad to become part of a singing group again and is excited about “having the fellowship with a great group of ladies and getting back to my roots in singing acapella music.”

    Ashwini Ganeshan was also eager to join and is enthusiastic about making singing a regular part of her life again.

    The process of becoming a new member was not as intimidating as some of the newcomers thought it might be.

    “The process was not difficult,” Ashwini said. “I felt encouraged by existing members, particularly Sarah Montgomery (OK City Chorus membership coordinator), who did a great job of sharing information on how to become a new member through auditions.”

    Lisa agreed. She auditioned th last week of January and then began immediately preparing for regional competition coming up in March.

    “It was a bit of a whirlwind,” she said. “Sarah has been great about sending information to all of us rookies, keeping us updated on things we need to know.”

    Two of the newer members, Catherine Morfas and Caroline Shacklett, have previous experience with acapella choruses and Sweet Adelines.

    “I sing in a small barbershop choir (14 people) and a quartet, so I’m excited for the experience of singing with a large group,” Catherine said. “I’m excited to learn more about the barbershop art form.”

    Caroline Shacklett is an experienced Sweet Adelines singer, and is looking forward to singing with a large group of “very experienced and inspiring Sweet Adeline sisters.”

    All the newcomers said the audition process itself was straightforward, and the encouragement of other members and mentors in OK City Chorus helped tremendously.

    “I was pretty nervous about auditioning,” Cindy said. “But others were so encouraging and helpful, and it gave me confidence to go ahead and do it, and I did just fine. Now my goal is to improve and refine my vocal and performance skills with each rehearsal.”

    OK City Chorus rehearses every Tuesday from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Rehearsals are marked by laughter, encouragement and a pursuit of a championship mindset as members strive to refine their craft and unlock the full potential of their voices.

    The rookies encourage anyone wishing to find out more about OKC City Chorus to reach out via the website or participate in the annual invitation to sing with the group during the holidays.

    “The invitation to sing at the holidays is a great way to encourage people in a comfortable setting of Christmas music, and then hope they stay like I and many others have,” Caroline said.

    “It’s particularly nice to have an outlet that is productive, where you can see the fruits of your work and alongside others to meet our goal of creating something beautiful together,” Catherine said.

    “This is a wonderfully welcoming chorus,” Ashwini said.

    Singing in OK City Chorus is not just about the music—it's about the joy of creating something beautiful together, one note at a time.

  • OK City Chorus Well Represented
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Mar 27 2024
    OK City Chorus Well Represented
    ~ Submitted by Linda Hammett

    The OK City Chorus had an exciting weekend in Richardson, Texas on March 15 and 16 at they gathered with other choruses for the annual Regional Competition of Sweet Adelines International.  This event is one of the highlights of the year when quartets and choruses from the region take the stage to share their talents.

    The Quartet Competition was held on Friday, March 15, and OK City Chorus had six quartets in the lineup.  All six did a stellar job in their performances and made us all proud.  Placing 5th was Montage (Mary Rhea, Leah Arnold, Marie Dallam and Lynn Rogers—all from OK City); in 3rd place was Madison Avenue (Barbara Underwood, OK City; Anne Fenton and Caroline Rocco, Richtones; and Jacque Glasgow, Chapter-at-Large).  In first place, named Champion Quartet, was Wildfire! (Jen Foster, OK City; Jen LeClaire and Erin Goeke, Richtones; and Rachel Radcliff, Chapter-at-Large).   Congratulations to Down Home quartet, who received the medal for Most Improved Quartet, raising their score by 53 points from last year. 

    On Saturday, the chorus competition was one of the best in some years with all choruses presenting enjoyable and talented performances.  OK City Chorus took the stage with 77 singers as contestant #3 and left everything on the stage, receiving a standing ovation and many screams of delight.  They did what they came to do and were rewarded with the second-place medal with a score of 658 out of 800. 

    There were nine ladies, some of whom are very new, who competed with the chorus for the first time.  They are Sandra Bullard, Caroline Shacklett, Cheryl Hicks, Savannah Head, Marsha Sneed, Lindsey Fite, Lisa Kirkpatrick, Lori Riemenschneider and Catherine Morfa.  When asked to share some thoughts about their experience, these were their responses:

    “It was fantastic to see our hard work pay off in the competition.  Even though we are competing against other choruses, there is an amazing camaraderie in Sweet Adelines.” 
    —Lori Riemenschneider

    “I thought it was a lot of fun!  I really enjoyed listening to the other choruses and getting to know the ladies in our chorus better.  I loved the way all of the different choruses supported each other when they performed.  Even though it was a competition, it really felt more like a big family there to support and cheer for each other!  It was a great experience, and I was very glad I was able to go!” 
    —Lisa Kirkpatrick

    “My first regional contest was so exciting!  Everything was very well organized, and everyone was eager to answer any questions I had!  Thanks to all who had a hand in making this event a success!” 
    —Sandra Bullard

    “One of the things that stuck out to me the most from Regional was the quartet competition.  I was blown away by the extreme talent and precision of the quartets.  It definitely made me want to be in a quartet someday!” 
    —Lindsey Fite

    The chorus was also invited to perform on the Show of Champions on Saturday evening, featuring various winners from the contests.  They performed the finals package that helped them place 9th in the world at the 2023 International Convention in October of 2023 in Louisville, Kentucky.

    It feels good to come home with a medal, but it feels even better knowing that the hard work put into preparing for this or any competition was worth the effort.  It was a great weekend, in spite of the rain and cold temperatures, because new friendships were made, old friendships were renewed, and good memories were made.


  • OK City Spreads Love Around OKC
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Feb 26 2024
    OK City Spreads Love Around OKC
    ~ Submitted by Linda Hammett

    One of the favorite times for the OK City Chorus each year is Valentines Day, when we have the pleasure of delivering Singing Valentines to unsuspecting recipients.  This year, we had four quartets who were able to bring joy to a lot of people as we delivered approximately 42 valentines in person and 8 by email.  The day started early and went into the evening as the ladies traveled all over the OK
    City Metro area, Edmond, Moore, Norman and outlying areas.  In addition to the song, each recipient was given a card from the loved one who sent it and a homemade cookie from Tammy’s Home Bakery. 

    The Singing Valentine is a very unique gift that provides a lasting memory.  It doesn’t die like flowers or go away like a fancy meal.  It lives on and brings joy with each remembrance.  The quartets who deliver the valentines also have many happy memories as they witness the reactions of surprise, joy and love as they listen.  There are smiles, tears, laughter and embarrassment resulting as they hear the sentiments from the songs.  When asked to share some reflections from the day, the quartets gave the following snippets:

    Down Home traveled 91.3 miles making seven deliveries, including one to a lifetime OK City Chorus member.”

    Couture spent 10 hours and 165 miles delivering Valentines across the OK City metro.  From a motorcycle shop to the State Capitol and almost everywhere in between, we had the best time making memories and bringing smiles to people all day!”

    HeartSong started the morning singing for the Allied Arts Board and ended the day in Newalla at 7 p.m..  We sang for two of our members and delivered ten other Singing Valentines.  We had the opportunity to be interviewed and filmed by KOCO while delivering one of our Valentines this morning, which was pretty exciting.”

    Vintage had a great day delivering 12 Singing Valentines.  We started at 9:00 and ended at 4:15, all in the Edmond area.  We visited hospitals, assisted living and rehab facilities, offices and private homes.  Included in our deliveries were visits to two former members of OK City Chorus.  It was very rewarding and touching to see the smiles and tears expressed by those to whom we sang.  We stopped for lunch at Bricktown Brewery before we continuing the deliveries.  This is always a favorite day for us.”

    The OK City Chorus enjoys entertaining for other special events.  If you would like to invite us to entertain for a company party, Christmas party, birthday, anniversary, promotion or any other occasion, please contact us for cost and other details.  We have quartets, small groups or the entire chorus who would enjoy sharing our love of barbershop, a cappella harmony with you and your group.  Call us at 405-720-SING.

  • Singing Together Brings Happiness
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Jan 29 2024
    Singing Together Brings Happiness
    ~ Submitted by Cheryl Standage
    “Happiness is singing together when day is through, and happiness is those who sing with you. Happiness is morning and evening, daytime, and nighttime too...for happiness is anyone and anything at all that's loved by you.”   â€• Clark Gesner, You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown - Vocal Score

    Singing – Together brings happiness and a whole lot of energy to those attending Region 25’s Quartet Retreat held January 26 - 27, 2024 in Edmond, OK.

    It was a cold and rainy night in Edmond but the energy within those walls warmed the heart and created a safe and comfortable atmosphere for learning. Chaired by Mary Rhea, OK City Chorus Director/SAI President, and co-chaired by Tori Cassidy, OK City Chorus, the schedule did not disappoint.
    The weekend of enjoyment and education kicked off as over 100 Region 25 Heart of America quartets, individual singers, and observers gathered together with exceptional coaches and faculty.  We were delighted with Friday evening’s opening session by our featured Guest Faculty, Vickie Maybury – Director of Skyline Chorus in Denver, Colorado. The session was titled, Energy – The Lifeforce of Performance, and we experienced firsthand that “energy is all around us, and we must actively engage it!” through demonstrations from audience volunteers.

    The next morning, Maybury shared her passion with us all with her presentation titled Why I fell in love with Barbershop, which included moving performances that are memorable because of the energy, the message, and the heart and soul that shine through.

    OK City Chorus was represented by 7 quartets, and there were several additional OK City Chorus members who experienced “quarteting” in Harmony Roulette or observed the quartet coaching. Singers also attended what was a high energy learning experience from amazing coaches who were there for one main reason and that is to share their incredible expertise and talents with quartets from around the region.  All of this in one spot, yes that means, our own Mary Rhea and Donna Smith plus Vickie Maybury, Kelly Causey, Val Clark, Lindsay Chartier-Holdeman, Vickie Dennis, Frank Friedemann, Patty Friedemann, Connie Light, Dale Syverson, Jeff Veteto and Melynnie Williams.  Did you catch all those names???  Where else could you go and get that amount of talent all aimed towards helping you and your quartet rise to new singing and performing levels for a very minimal fee?  That is what finally convinced me to attend even though I’m not in a quartet.  I decided that I would not want to miss being with all these great talents and that I could always use more confidence and energy and of course happiness in my life.  Did I walk away with all that, you bet I did and more!

    Stay tuned for next year’s Region 25 Quartet Retreat that is sure to have even more energy and happiness to share.  The retreat is traditionally scheduled for the last weekend in January.

    Some comments from Chair/Co-Chair and attendees:

    Karen Phillips – Team Coordinator - Region 25 Management Team: “Quartet Retreat by far is my favorite Region 25 event of the year. You can listen to quartet coaching in every level, from brand new to Top Gun quartets. The best part is you can hear the progress made by the quartets in real time. During the weekend there is opportunity to ask a coach questions about something you didn’t quite understand. The icing on the cake is the education given in the mass classes. Again, my favorite
    regional event.”

    Co-chair Tori Cassidy: “Watching quartets being coached made me realize that I need that coaching too, so I can be the best I can be. It made me realize how much untapped potential I have, and that a coach can help me discover and share it!”

    Sara Anders: “The reason I didn’t want to get coached was because our quartet is still new and I
    didn’t think it would be beneficial for us. I didn’t think we were even close to being ready for a coaching session. But that was not the case. It ended up being really informative and helpful.” Sara has, in past years, attended the Harmony Roulette, and here is what she had to say, “I loved doing the Harmony Roulette. It was a lot of fun and certainly hones your listening skills”!
  • OK City Showcase
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Sep 5 2023
    OK City Showcase

    The OK City Chorus will present its Annual Showcase at the Visual and Performing Arts Center at OCCC on October 1 at 3:00 p.m. The chorus is preparing for competition at the Sweet Adelines International Competition in Louisville at the end of October. The chorus is the 2022 International Champions. They earned the title in Phoenix, AZ where the final five choruses hailed from the United States, Canada and the Netherlands. 

    The OK City Chorus is the current champion of the five-state area known as Region 25. Their performance on the Showcase will include their contest packages for Louisville along with favorite repertoire songs like Sara Bareilles's Brave and Simon & Garfunkel's Sound of Silence. 

    Guest performers on the Showcase:

    * Wildfire Quartet - Region 25 Champion (Louisville contestant)
    * Vocal Audacity Quartet- Region 25 Medalist (Wild Card contestant in Louisville)
    * Quad City Sound Quartet - International Diamond Division Champions (performing in Louisville)
    * Perpetual Sound Quartet - International Rising Star Medalist 

    Reserved seat tickets are available at

  • OK City Chorus Representated in Rising Star Competition
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Aug 3 2023
    OK City Chorus Representated in Rising Star Competition
    The 2023 Rising Star quartet contest, which took place at the Eisemann Center in Richardson, Texas on July 14, was a spectacular event showcasing the incredible talent of young singers under 25 years old.
    Let's give a thunderous round of applause to Perpetual Sound, who secured a fantastic 4th place in this highly competitive contest! Representing Region 25, they wowed the audience with their outstanding performance.
    We are proud of our OK City Chorus member, Nicole Gray, for being part of this amazing quartet and shining on the Rising Star stage.
  • 2023 SAI Diamond Division Winners
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Jul 28 2023
    2023 SAI Diamond Division Winners
    The 2023 Diamond Division quartet contest, held at the Eisemann Center in Richardson, Texas, on July 13, has concluded, and we have thrilling results!

    Let's give a big applause to Quad City Sound, the well-deserved winners, and the new Diamond Division championship quartet! They delivered a captivating performance, showcasing their phenomenal talent.

    We are immensely proud of our OK City Chorus member, Vickie Dennis, for being part of this incredible quartet and representing Region 25 and OK City Chorus with excellence.

    Join us in celebrating this astounding achievement and let's give Quad City Sound a standing ovation for their extraordinary win!
  • Madison Avenue Outgoing Diamond Division Champs
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Jul 23 2023
    Madison Avenue Outgoing Diamond Division Champs
    Join us in celebrating the incredible achievements of Madison Avenue, the outgoing champions of the Diamond Division quartet contest! They triumphed in the inaugural 2022 competition, representing Sweet Adelines, Region 25, and OK City Chorus with grace and beauty. We are immensely proud of our OK City members Barb Underwood and Jacque Glasgow for their outstanding talent and dedication. They have been shining stars in our musical family, and we're excited to see their future successes. Let's give them a standing ovation for the joy and harmony they've brought to us all! Bravo!
  • OK City Chorus Represented in Sound of Music
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Jul 17 2023
    OK City Chorus Represented in Sound of Music
    Three of our talented OK City Chorus members, Carla Hale, Julie Moler, and Nicki Austin, recently wowed the audience in Lyric Theater's "The Sound of Music" as nuns! We're beyond proud of their incredible performances and the diverse talents they bring to the stage! Our singers shine on and off the risers, gracing stages whenever they get the chance. Let's celebrate their achievements and the harmony they bring to the world! Bravo! 
  • Raffle Donations Needed
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Jun 6 2023
    Raffle Donations Needed
    OK City Chorus Raffle - Seeking Donations!
    The award-winning OK City Chorus is hosting Sweet Adelines Region 25's annual Summer Music Camp on June 23 and 24. This exciting weekend invites Sweet Adelines from Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma to come together and celebrate the unique barbershop style of music, encourage vocal excellence, and create opportunities for women of all ages to experience the joy of singing a cappella harmony. As part of this exciting event, we're conducting a raffle to raise funds for the camp's success, and we're reaching out to local businesses for generous donations.

    By contributing to our raffle, your business will not only support the growth and development of our talented singers but also gain exposure to a passionate audience of music lovers. Your donation of gift certificates, products, services, or unique experiences will make a significant impact and be a highlight of the raffle prizes.

    Donations will be accepted until June 20. As a token of our appreciation, we will acknowledge your business as a donor during the event.

    To learn more about how your donation can make a difference and to contribute to our raffle, please contact Sara Anders at 

    Thank you for supporting the OK City Chorus and Sweet Adelines Region 25!
  • OK City Hosts Successful Youth in Harmony Festival
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Apr 5 2023
    OK City Hosts Successful Youth in Harmony Festival
    The OK City Chorus was thrilled to bring back an exciting education event on Saturday, April 1!  The Youth In Harmony (YIH) Workshop welcomed 35 young singers to a day of learning the art of acapella singing, barbershop style. Singers spent time with members of OK City Chorus quartets and section leaders as they learned about the craft of barbershop singing and performance.  OK City Chorus sponsors and members even provided lunch and dinner for all participants.  This exciting day ended with a free public performance featuring the YIH Chorus showing off their new skills and two songs they learned during the workshop and the OK City Chorus

    It was a great day of singing for everyone involved!
  • OK City Chorus adds a new sponsor – SSI Energy Management Services!!!
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Apr 3 2023
    OK City Chorus adds a new sponsor – SSI Energy Management Services!!!
    SSI Energy Management Systems has recently honored OK City Chorus as our newest corporate sponsor. A local Oklahoma City business, SSI Energy Management Systems is an Oil and Gas Accounting Software system, servicing companies large and small with Oil and Gas related software packages as well as clerical accounting services. SSI owner and president, Baird Archbald, has always been very interested and supportive of the accomplishments and community outreach by OK City Chorus. He and his family know OK City Chorus/Sweet Adelines and have seen and heard us at Arts Festival and Oklahoma State Fair performances. We are excited and honored to have Baird and SSI as the newest corporate sponsor of our organization. Welcome!!!
  • OK City Well Represented at Region 25 Competition
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Mar 28 2023
    OK City Well Represented at Region 25 Competition
    OK City Chorus was well represented at Region 25's Competition and Convention last month with six competing quartets and a spectacular bow-out performance as current Regional Champions.

    Our quartets brought home several medals! Tapestry Quartet won the honor of Novice Quartet, having two members who had never competed in a quartet before.  Madison Avenue Quartet (current Diamond Division Champions) and Montage Quartet placed among the Top 10 quartets in the contest. Wildfire Quartet brought home the gold as the new Regional Quartet Champions for Region 25!

    Wildfire will represent Region 25 and OK City Chorus at the 75th International Competition and Convention in Louisville, KY, in October 2023, alongside OK City Chorus.

    Congratulations to all of our talented performers!

  • OK City Chorus Brings Home the Gold
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Sep 14 2022
    OK City Chorus Brings Home the Gold
    After a two-year wait to compete on the Sweet Adeline International Competition stage as winners of the regional contest in 2019, the OK City Chorus was able to compete on Tuesday, September 13, in Phoenix, Arizona in the Harmony Classic part of International.  The chorus took the stage at 9:31 p.m. after a long day of rehearsing and prepping.  It was well worth all the hard work put in over the last three years and the long hours of preparation when it was announced that the OK City Chorus won the gold medal for 2022!  They will be the mic testers for the full chorus competition on Thursday.  The chorus will be proudly wearing their gold medals as they start working towards getting ready for the regional competition in the spring and International 2023 in Louisville, KY next fall.

  • Quartet Makes History
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Jul 22 2022
    Quartet Makes History
    Sweet Adelines International hosted the Inaugural Diamond Division Quartet Competition at the IES (International Education Symposium) held this past week in San Antonio, Texas, July 20-24.  The event was able to take place this year after having to  cancel since 2019  because of the pandemic.  There were originally five quartets registered to compete on Thursday, July 21; however, one quartet had to withdraw before the competition.
    This contest is open to all female quartets whose members are all over 55 years of age with a combined total of 240 years on the day of the contest.  The singers worked very hard rehearsing to prepare the best musical performance possible, sometimes via Zoom when meeting in person was not possible.   Besides an audience of fellow Sweet Adelines, the quartets performed two songs for a panel of four judges, who  scored them in sound, music, expression and visual communication. 
    After the scores were tallied, the champion quartet in the first ever Diamond Division competition is Madison Avenue from Region 25!   The quartet is made up of Anne Fenton (tenor from Rich-tone Chorus); Barb Underwood (lead from OK City Chorus); Jacque Glasgow (baritone from OK City Chorus); and Caroline Rocco (bass from Rich-tone Chorus).  It is an exciting time for these ladies and for SAI!

  • Reliable Dumpster for Oklahoma City Joins the List of Sponsors for OK City Chorus
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Jul 8 2022
    Reliable Dumpster for Oklahoma City Joins the List of Sponsors for OK City Chorus
    OK City Chorus is happy to welcome Bin There Dump That Dumpster Service as our most recent sponsor.  They are described as “your most-reliable, 5-Star, Residential Friendly dumpsters for Oklahoma City.  Their goal is to make getting OK City dumpster rentals a friendly, affordable and simple process.  On the list of steps they take to make this happen are:
    • Placing dumpsters exactly where needed on your property
    • Using protective boards under the bin so that the container never damages your driveway
    • Sweeping up after every job to remove debris
    • Delivering a bin in 24 hours or less so that you get it when you need it
    • The dumpsters are the easiest to load in OKC because of the walk-in, double doors.

    They promise that there is a dumpster for you, whatever your needs.  If you are moving in the Oklahoma region and need to get rid of junk, are trying to remove piles of rubbish from your home or office, or are needing to clean up construction debris from renovations, there is a bin perfect for you needs.  Bin There Dump That provides junk and rubbish removal bins sizes 4 to 20 yards.

    We very much appreciate their support of the chorus and look forward to having them with us.

  • Allied Arts Singing Opportunities
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Jun 25 2022
    Allied Arts Singing Opportunities
    As a Member Agency of Allied Arts, the OK City Chorus is often asked to join them at an onsite fundraising campaign.  During the pandemic and shutdown, these opportunities were not possible.  However, recently, things have opened up, and Allied Arts approached us once again.

    On May 19, in the evening, a small group of 12 members entertained at a campaign  for the Newmark Robinson Park.  The room was decorated with an island theme with seating on grass mats, and the attendees were dressed in Hawaiian clothing.  As they were finishing up their meal, the chorus sang to this very appreciative group.  Shannon Lockwood, a representative of Allied arts, said in her thank you note to the chorus, “You did such an outstanding job brightening people’s days, and people kept telling me how much they loved your performance.  They were amazed that you sounded so wonderful without any accompaniment!. . .You made my eyes tear up, it was so good!!”

    The goal of any performance made by the chorus is to bring joy and happiness to those who are listening.  It is always a pleasure to help Allied Arts in their campaigns and efforts to be involved in the community.

  • Members Travel to Tulsa for Fundraiser
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Jun 17 2022
    Members Travel to Tulsa for Fundraiser
    The OK City Chorus is busily getting ready to compete in September at the Sweet Adelines International Competition in Phoenix, Arizona.  They were invited to compete in the Harmony Classic section of the competition, which includes the top five winners in the AA division.  This invitation was given for the competition in 2020; however, because of the pandemic and closures, International was cancelled for two years.  But, there will be a competition this year, and all of the competitors will be the same as they would have been in '20.

    Participating in international competitions can be very costly.  Most of the ladies will be spending the better part of a week, and expenses add up for transportation, housing and food while there.  So, it is helpful to have fundraisers from time to time throughout the year leading up to the contest.

    A little over a month ago, one of the biggest opportunities was presented to the chorus as a fundraiser when they were asked to provide workers for the food vendors at the
    PGA Championship Tournament in Tulsa for the week of May 16-22.  Everyone was very excited and willing to take this venture on.  Under the excellent direction of the Coordinator, Sara Anders, all of the time slots were filled, workers made the trek to Tulsa.  The early shifts started early in the morning, which meant that some had to leave their homes around 5:00 in the morning.  The work was hard, it was hard, and the temperatures were high.  But everyone who worked spoke very highly of the experience.  The customers were kind and patient, and the organizers of the event were very complimentary of the team who worked the event.  The chorus is very grateful to the members who were able to work, some doing more than one shift and travelling to Tulsa several days.  They also thank the friends and families of the members who stepped up to help fill the shifts.  In the end, everyone was happy to have been able to help, and many fun and interesting stories have been shared. 

  • OK City Chorus Brings Home the Gold!
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Apr 14 2022
    OK City Chorus Brings Home the Gold!
    After the last two regional competitions were cancelled because of the pandemic, singers all over the world are happy to be back on the risers again this spring as Sweet Adelines International gives the go-ahead for competitions to resume.  The OK City Chorus worked hard over the last several months preparing to take the stage in the Region 25 competition in Wichita, Kansas on March 31-April 1.  A new ballad was introduced while they were still meeting via ZOOM, and everyone worked hard to learn the music.  When they started meeting again in person, they hit the ground running to be totally prepared to perform their package.

    This was a particularly exciting time for not only
    OK City Chorus but also the other choruses in the region as they were able to reunite with friends, sing together, and compete after the unfortunate break.  OK City had 55 Singers on stage, 17 of whom were competing for the first time, as contestant number two of ten in the chorus competition on Saturday at the Century II Performing Arts & Convention Center,  The competition was exciting as always, and after waiting for all choruses to sing, it was time for the awards to be announced.  Choruses are classified in two divisions based on size.  Awards are based on scores of choruses within each division.  OK City Chorus was the champion chorus in the AA Division as well as Overall Chorus Champion.  Medals were presented for each win as well as a trophy for the overall placing. 

    The overall championship win qualifies the chorus to compete in the International Competition in Louisville, Kentucky in the fall of 2023.  The chorus will be traveling to Phoenix, Arizona in September of 2022 to compete in the Harmony Classic at SAI International Competition based on their first-place win in Division AA in 2019.

  • OK City Chorus Quartets Fare Well at Competition
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Apr 13 2022
    OK City Chorus Quartets Fare Well at Competition
    Regional Competitions of Sweet Adelines International begin each year with the Quartet Competition.  Having not held the competition for the last two years because of the pandemic, many quartets did not survive because they were not able to get together to rehearse.  Some chose not to compete because of feeling ill prepared.  In order to compete, the ladies must be members of Sweet Adelines International, either as part of a regional chorus or as a Chapter-at-Large member (not affiliated with a specific chorus but members in the region).  This break also gave other singers an opportunity to form new quartets, and that is the case with the OK City Chorus.  There were three registered quartets with members from the OK City Chorus who competed in Wichita on the weekend of March 31-April 1—Madison Avenue, Montage and Down Home.  Although most of the members of the quartets have been singing together off and on over the last few years, some had new members who became a foursome in time to compete and had not performed publicly before competition.  Many of them had also never competed before.

    Twelve quartets from within the regional competed in the contest on Friday afternoon before a panel of four judges, who gave them scores in four categories:  Music, Sound, Expression and Visual Communication.    The top five scores are awarded medals, and the top quartet earns a spot in the International Competition in 2022 in Phoenix, Arizona.  After the scores were tallied, the fifth place medal went to
    Madison Avenue, and the second place medal went to MontageMontage was also awarded the Novice Quartet award for the highest scoring quartet with two (2) or more singers that have not competed previously on the Regional stage in a quartet contest.

    These quartets did a great job of representing the chorus.

  • Open Auditions January 2022
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Dec 10 2021
    Open Auditions January 2022
    The OK City Chorus is a women's a cappella performing group that seeks singers of all ages and backgrounds for our semi-annual open auditions. We will be adding members for the upcoming show and competition season. 

    These auditions are to be held on Thursday, January 6th and Sunday, January 9th.  Click here for more information.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • OK City Chorus presents REINDEER GAMES!!
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Nov 17 2021
    OK City Chorus presents REINDEER GAMES!!
    After being restricted in performances and gatherings for over a year due to the pandemic, the OK City Chorus is thrilled to be back together in person rehearsing and making plans for performing.  The focus of the last many weeks at rehearsals has been preparing to take the stage for one of the favorite times of the year. 

    The chorus will present their Christmas Show, “Reindeer Games”, on Saturday, December 11.  The event will provide an evening of music, games and holiday cheer as the audience will be invited to participate in some interactive moments.  The chorus will share many favorite holiday songs as well as a few new arrangements. 

    The show will take place at First United Methodist Church (First Church), 131 NW 4th Street, Oklahoma City.  There will be a Silent Auction prior to the show; bidding will begin at 6:00 p.m.  The theatre will open at 6:30 with the performance beginning at 7:00.  Tickets are $10 and can be purchased from any OK City Chorus member or order online at REINDEER GAMES TICKETS.  

    In light of the pandemic and CDC guidelines that are still in effect, masks are optional. Seating is limited so order your tickets TODAY ... don't delay!!

    This year we are also offering a Livestream option. Click here for more information.

  • OK City Chorus to Perform at Scissortail Park
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Nov 16 2021
    OK City Chorus to Perform at Scissortail Park
    As the holiday season gets under way, the OK City Chorus will be performing at Scissortail Park at the Loves Travel Stops Stage as part of their 'Tis the Season Holiday Concert on November 27.    The free concert is sponsored by SSM Health St. Anthony Hospital, Express Employment International, OG & E, Toucan Productions, BancFirst, Omni Oklahoma City Hotel and Crow & Dunlevy.  In addition to the OK City Chorus under the direction of Mary Rhea, performing groups include Canterbuy Youth Voices conducted by Susan Pendergraft, Canterbury Voices Chamber Voices conducted by Dr. Randi Von Ellefson, and Montrae Tilsdale-Johnson & The Friends Chorale.  The program will begin at 6:30; OK City Chorus will be on stage at 7:00.  The audience will enjoy hearing these talented local artists share holiday favorites.  Hot chocolate and s’mores will be available during the evening.

    After not being able to have events like this during last year’s holidays, this will be a great way to spend a Saturday evening with your family and friends as the season begins. We look forward to seeing you there.

  • OK City Chorus Welcomes Another Sponsor
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Oct 18 2021
    OK City Chorus Welcomes Another Sponsor
    Substance Abuse Treatment Company Joins our Sponsorship
    The latest sponsor to join our team is Landmark Recovery, which is based in Oklahoma City.  This drug and alcohol rehab center “provides addiction recovery to help you live beyond”.

    Landmark Recovery offers the full spectrum of treatment services available for drug and alcohol dependency.  These services include Residential Treatment, Medical Detoxification, Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient services which vary by location.  Patients will participate in a variety of treatment options and therapies.  They also receive consistent follow-up support from the staff and detailed action plans to assist them in staying well for life. 

    You can find a comprehensive list of services offered by Landmark Recovery, insurance information and other useful information that will be helpful for anyone needing help in this area on their website.

    We appreciate them for choosing to support the OK City Chorus.


  • OK City Chorus is Holding OPEN AUDITIONS
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Sep 27 2021
    OK City Chorus is Holding OPEN AUDITIONS
    The OK City Chorus is a women's a cappella performing group that seeks singers of all ages and backgrounds for our semi-annual open auditions. We will be adding members for the upcoming show and competition season. 

    These auditions are to be held on Thursday, October 7th and Sunday, October 10th.  Click here for more information.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • OK City Chorus to Perform at the State Fair
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Sep 24 2021
    OK City Chorus to Perform at the State Fair
    OK City Chorus is excited to be performing in public once again!  We will be performing tonight (September 24) at The Bandshell at 6:30 p.m.

    COME SEE US!!!
  • OK City Chorus Welcomes New Sponsor
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Sep 16 2021
    OK City Chorus Welcomes New Sponsor

    OK City Chorus is excited to welcome our new sponsor ... Blackmon Mooring!

    Trusted fire, water and reconstruction services for all sizes since 1948, 
    Blackmon Mooring is one of our newest sponsors, signing on in July of this year.  This company has been active in helping thousands of home and business owners recover from all kinds of disasters, both big and small over the last 73 years.  They have been named America’s longest-standing restoration company.  They report that the average tenure of employees is ten plus years, and they have performed over 287,000 jobs in the last 10 years.  They are proud of the fact that they work with their customers closely to help them understand what needs to be done, what they are going to do to fix the problem and what the customer can do as well.  They offer 24/7 emergency service.

    If you are in need of any of these services, please visit their website, where you will find a more detailed  list of specific services that they offer.  Their website and contact information is listed on our website under “Our Sponsors”.    We welcome
    Blackmon Mooring to our Sponsor Family and appreciate their support.

  • OK City Chorus Returns to Virtual Rehearsals
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Aug 25 2021
    OK City Chorus Returns to Virtual Rehearsals
    With the return and rise in COVID cases in the OK City area, the decision has been made to return to suspend in-person rehearsals and return to meeting via Zoom.  This decision was not made lightly, but it is the desire of the chorus to keep all members safe during this uncertain time.  A close eye is being kept on the numbers of cases and other information for the time being.  Visitors are still welcome to join in the Zoom rehearsals.  Interested ladies can receive more information by contacting the Membership Coordinator at

    The leadership is hopeful that this will not be a long-term practice, and the decision about rehearsal format is being made on a week-to-week basis.

  • Allied Arts Presents Annual Allocation
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Jul 28 2021
    Allied Arts Presents Annual Allocation

    The OK City Chorus is proud to be a Member Agency of the Allied Arts of Oklahoma City.  We are pleased to join them occasionally throughout the year at their on-site campaigns at businesses throughout the metro.  However, unfortunately, we were not able to sing for them this past year.  Donna Smith and Nancy Nortz, members of the chorus, represented us at the 2021 Partner Agency Allocation Presentations where they were presented with our gift for last year. 
    In 1971, Allied Arts was formed in 1971 to provide the community with a way to support the arts in central Oklahoma’s cultural groups.  One single donation will help a variety of local arts organizations stay strong and provide quality programs to the public with the necessary tools and resources.   With 25 member agencies, more than 600,000 arts experiences were provided for school-aged children in the last year.  The organization also promotes arts education and raise awareness of the impact of the arts in schools, communities and the state.  They also provide fundraising technical and organizational management support to help the member agencies in strong financial and operating standing. 
    Each year, Allied Arts sets a goal, and this year, the $3,649,484 raised broke the previous record.  Over 40 local nonprofit arts organizations received some of these campaign funds.
    The OK City Chorus is very grateful for the generosity of Allied Arts and are happy to continue to help them in their annual fundraising campaigns.

  • In-Person Rehearsals Have Resumed in New Facility
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Jul 6 2021
    In-Person Rehearsals Have Resumed in New Facility

    In-person Rehearsals Have Resumed!
    We are happy to announce that we have resumed our in-person rehearsals.  We are following CDC recommendations by social distancing and keeping physical contact to a minimum.  We are ready to welcome any women from the community who are interested in visiting to see what we do at a rehearsal.  Rehearsals are every Tuesday beginning at 6:30 p.m.  We will take your temperature when you enter the building; masks are not required but are encouraged if you would feel safer.
    After many years, we have found a new rehearsal venue and are now meeting at the First United Methodist Church (First Church) located at 131 NW 4th Street, Oklahoma City, OK  73104.  There are two parking lots on the northeast side of the building with an entrance on 4th Street and one of 5th Street.  You will be greeted by a member and directed to the rehearsal area.  If you plan to attend, you might want to call
    405-720-SING so that we can look for you.
    We are always looking for new members to share in this wonderful hobby.


  • Make Every Day Your Best Day!!!
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Jan 30 2021
    Make Every Day Your Best Day!!!

    The Making of the Best Day Video

    When the OK City Chorus was forced into isolation by COVID-19, we continued to “rehearse” via Zoom. It allowed us to stay connected and soothed our need for singing to a degree, but we longed to share our music with others. Luckily, virtual choir technology allows singers to do just that. Thus began our quest to continue spreading joy through a cappella barbershop harmony during this difficult time.

    Click here for the rest of the story!

    Make Every Day Your Best Day!!

    OK City Chorus hopes you enjoy the finished product!

  • OK City Christmas eCards on Sale
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Dec 2 2020
    OK City Christmas eCards on Sale
    Looking for something different to send family and friends this holiday season? How about a customized and personalized ecard? With the award-winning OK City Chorus singing in the background this cheerful holiday card is sure to be a hit with everyone!

    For a one-time fee of $25.00 this customized card is sent to your email to distribute to some or all. Order dates: December 1-20. Order your customized ecard today

  • Allied Arts Participating in Nat'l Competition...
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Oct 7 2020
    Allied Arts Participating in Nat'l Competition...
    As an Allied Arts member agency, OK City Chorus is excited to share that Allied Arts has been selected as the only Oklahoma arts nonprofit to participate in a national fundraising competition. Donations made through A Community Thrives can qualify Allied Arts for matching dollars and for the chance to win a $100,000 grant award! Donate at by October 16th to support Allied Arts and OUR efforts to educate Oklahoma youth through the arts. 
  • It's Hip to Be Square - OK City Chorus Virtual Open House
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Sep 28 2020
    It's Hip to Be Square - OK City Chorus Virtual Open House
    The OK City Chorus is excited to host our first virtual Open House on Tuesday, October 13 at 6:30 p.m.  We would love to welcome female singers in the Oklahoma City area to join us for a fun evening.  However, since this is a virtual Open House, we would also love to welcome female singers from anywhere in the world to hop on in to our Hip Open House!!

    For more information, call 405-720-SING (7464) or email
  • OK City Chorus Receives Grant from Oklahoma Arts Council
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Sep 20 2020
    OK City Chorus Receives Grant from Oklahoma Arts Council

    OK City Chorus has been awarded a grant from Oklahoma Arts Council to fund our "Best Day" virtual chorus project!!

    It is great to know that they believe in the merits of our project, and the positive impact we can make by sharing our music with others.

    We look forward to sharing the finished product in the coming weeks.


  • OK City Receives Grant from Allied Arts OKC
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Aug 12 2020
    OK City Receives Grant from Allied Arts OKC
    Although the day looked much different this year, Allied Arts of OKC presented its member agents with grants from their highly successful annual fundraising event.  The OK City Chorus is very grateful to be a member agent with Allied Arts and to be a recipient of one of these grants.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Happy 75th Birthday to Sweet Adelines
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Jul 13 2020
    Happy 75th Birthday to Sweet Adelines
    We are celebrating 75 years of Sweet Adelines beginning on our birthday, July 13 -- Barbershop Music Appreciation Day! Unfortunately our celebration in Louisville in October was cancelled but a virtual celebration will go on  from today through October 17th.  We look forward to celebrating 75 years of Sweet Adelines with you! Click here to join the celebration ... HAPPY 75th BIRTHDAY
  • International Competition News
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Jun 18 2020
    International Competition News
    Sweet Adelines International made an official announcement today that our International Competition to be held in Louisville, KY in October has been cancelled. Although we expected to hear this news, we are still disappointed that we won't be there to celebrate SAI's 75th Anniversary and to compete in the Harmony Classic competition this year.

    However, we look forward to being back together soon to continue our preparation for the upcoming Region 25 competition in March 2021 and the 2021 International competition. 

    We also look forward to performing for YOU soon!
  • Congratulations to a Beloved Former Member
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Jun 11 2020
    Congratulations to a Beloved Former Member
    Congratulations to Darlene Rogers, recipient of the 2020 President’s Lifetime Achievement Award! Darlene has been a Sweet Adeline for 52 years, and in that time her influence has extended to the many singers for whom she has served as coach, director, and vocal teacher. She is a member of the Sweet Adelines International Faculty, the Education Steering Committee for Regions #10 and #25, and was a member of the 1975 Region #10 Champion Quartet, Lady Luvs. She has previously served as assistant director of OK City Chorus and director of Oklahoma Jubilee Chorus and Texas Harmony Chorus. Along with Dale Syverson and Peggy Gram, Darlene produced the popular Sing, Baby, Sing series of educational materials. Her expressive style of teaching makes her a popular instructor, and we salute her dedication to barbershop singing and to the education of Sweet Adelines around the world.
    #LifeOnAHighNote #SweetAdelines
  • OK City Chorus Says Thank You!
  •  Date Posted: Fri, May 8 2020
    OK City Chorus Says Thank You!
    We are sending a shout out to all of the health care workers who are going above and beyond during this fight with COVID-19.  The long hours that they are putting in doing their best to care for the sick while in harm's way is so much appreciated. 

    We especially thank our members who are serving:  Barb Underwood, Lyn Graham, Kirstan Boyd, Jenny Spinelli, Amanda Coon and Afton Gilliland.  
  • Chorus Awards
  •  Date Posted: Tue, May 5 2020
    Chorus Awards
    We are pleased to announce the OK City Chorus award winners for 2019-2020!

    The D.J. Hensley Award (Administrative Award) is presented to chorus members that have been expecially helpful to the Team Leader throughout.  This year's award was presented by outgoing Team Leader, Sandy Peters, to two of our chorus members.

    Congratulations to Donna Smith and Susan Gertson!!!

    The Sweet Adeline of the Year Award/Opal Chandler Award is selected by a vote of the chorus membership.  The person selected for this award is a member who always has the best interest of the chorus at heart, realizing that she is one ‘part’ of the much-larger ‘whole’. She gives her time, talents, and efforts to make herself the best member possible. She speaks positively about the chorus and happily responds to requests made of the membership. In short, she is the member you perceive as having given outstanding service to the chorus during the past year.

    This year's recipient is Lyn Graham! Congratulations and thank you for all you do for the chorus.
  • New Slate of Officers to be Installed
  •  Date Posted: Mon, May 4 2020
    New Slate of Officers to be Installed
    The OK City Chorus will be having it's first (and hopefully only!!!) virtual Installation "Banquet" tonight to install a new slate of officers.  We are looking forward to an entertaining social event with our resident MC team of Lyn Graham and Barb Underwood as the leadership torch is passed from one leadership team to another.  

    Team Leader ... Susan Gertson (new)
    Secretary ... Linda Hammett
    Finance ... Julie Robinson
    Event Coordinator ... Nancy Nortz
    Membership ... Sarah Montgomery (new)
    Music Services ... Jenifer Allbaugh
    Promotions Coordinator ... Paula Reed
    Director ... Mary Rhea
  • Longevity Awards
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Mar 29 2020
    Longevity Awards
    CONGRATULATIONS to four of the OK City Chorus members who were recognized with longevity awards at the virtual RAMM meeting on Saturday, March 28, 2020.  We are very proud of these ladies and the many hours they have poured into this art craft and the contributions they have made to our chorus, our region and our internation organization.

    60 years with Sweet Adelines is:

    Marcia Massey

    25 years with Sweet Adelines are:
    Betty Coleman

    Lynn Downs

    Patty McMillan

  • Our 1st Virtual Rehearsal is in the Books
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Mar 17 2020
    Our 1st Virtual Rehearsal is in the Books
    Well, it wasn't quite the same as being together but it was soooooo good to see each other and learn together!  Nothing's gonna stop OK City!!!

  • OK City Chorus Goes Virtual
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Mar 16 2020
    OK City Chorus Goes Virtual
    In response to the social distancing recommendations, OK City Chorus will be participating in a virtual rehearsal on Tuesday, March 17th.  There will be no rehearsal at St. Luke's United Methodist Church building this week.  Please check back here each week for updates for the week's rehearsal venue.

    Stay safe, healthy and take necessary precautions.  
  • Breaking News
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Mar 12 2020
    Breaking News

    Sweet Adelines International made a difficult decision today.  They have decided to cancel all traditional Regional competitions for 2020. While we are sad to share that the contest has been cancelled, we are proud of our organization for recognizing the impact we can have in helping to stop the spread of Covid-19.

    Stay tuned for more information on alternate contest plans as they become available.

  • OK City Chorus Partners with OETA
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Mar 9 2020
    OK City Chorus Partners with OETA
    We are proud that some of our OK City Chorus members were able to partner with OETA in their fundraising effort on Sunday, March 9.  We love to be part of the community and add value wherever we are.

    Thank you to those that participated for representing us so magnificently!
  • OK City Chorus Goes PINK
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Feb 16 2020
    OK City Chorus Goes PINK
    A small group of the OK City Chorus was proud and honored to go PINK for Breast Cancer as they sang the National Anthem at the Women's OU basketball game on Sunday, January 20. 

    Several of our members are breast cancer survivors with the most recent being our fearless director, Mary Rhea.

  • Another Session in the Books!
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Feb 10 2020
    Another Session in the Books!
    OK City Chorus spent the day Saturday honing our vocal skills with the amazing Dale Syverson under the direction of our amazing leader, Mary Rhea!  We learned a lot and look forward to implementing our new skills at our rehearsal on Tuesday night so that we can WOW our audience on the Regional stage in Wichita, KS next month!



  • Region 25 Contest Order of Appearance Posted!!!
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Feb 5 2020
    Region 25 Contest Order of Appearance Posted!!!
    OK City Chorus will be Contestant Number 12 at our Region 25 competition on March 28 in Wichita, KS!!  We are excited about this draw and looking forward to "having a little fun" entertaining our region and judges!

    We also have some amazing quartets representing us on March 27. 
    • Contestant #1 ... Swirl
    • Contestant #11 ... Madison Avenue
    • Contestant #18 ... Perpetual Sound
    • Contestant #20 ... Wildfire!
    **Order of appearance subject to change** 

    Full list of competitors is available on the Sweet Adelines website.
  • Coaching with Dale Syverson
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Jan 29 2020
    Coaching with Dale Syverson
    OK City Chorus is excited to spend a full day with the amazing Dale Syverson on Satuday, February 8th.  Dale is helping us hone our vocal skills in preparation for our upcoming Regional Contest in March and our Hamony Classic competition in October. This preparation also helps us be better performers when we entertain for events in and around Oklahoma City throughout the year.

    (Group photo from last coaching session)
  • Region 25 Quartet Retreat
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Jan 26 2020
    Region 25 Quartet Retreat

    OK City Chorus
    was well represented at Region 25's 2020 Quartet Retreat in Tulsa, OK this weekend.  We had a total of 27 members present. One of our members, Donna Smith, and our director, Mary Rhea were part of the coaching faculty.  We had ten chorus members in four of the quartets that were coached.and we had five members participate in the Harmony Roulette. Eleven members participated as observers.  Several members were involved in the planning and preparation along with others from the region.

    One of the highlights of the weekend were the general classes taught by Lindsay Chartier-Holdeman and Kim Vaughn.  A great time was had by all and we are already looking forward to the next Regional event.
  • First Rehearsal of 2020
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Jan 8 2020
    First Rehearsal of 2020
    OK City Chorus welcomed FOUR guests last night at our first rehearsal of 2020!  We learned a new intro for our new uptune that we will be singing in Wichita, KS at our Region 25 Contest in March.  We will be concentrating on refining this new uptune and our ballad over the next 12 weeks. 
  • OK City Offers Online Christmas Cards
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Dec 15 2019
    OK City Offers Online Christmas Cards
    Reduced pricing available beginning December 16th! Don't delay ... last day to order is December 23, 2019!

    OK City chorus is pleased to offer online personalized Christmas Cards with a photo option.  These cards will feature a festive song with beautiful graphics along with your personalized message and your photo.  Your friends and family will be delighted with this special greeting!!

    First personalized card now $10; each additional email address is $5.

    To preview the card and for more information, click here ... Preview & Info

    To place your order, click here ... Order Here
  • Tinsel, Tunes and Trivia
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Nov 13 2019
    Tinsel, Tunes and Trivia

    Tinsel, Tunes and Trivia

    • Prizes

    • Sing-along

    • Trivia

    • FUN!!!

    SOLD OUT!!

  • Weekend with Santa
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Nov 13 2019
    Weekend with Santa
    The OK City Chorus is excited to be performing at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, December 7th at the Myriad Botanical Gardens (301 W Reno Ave, Oklahoma City, OK) and again at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 8th.  We hope to see you there.
  • OK City Hosts 1st Annual Harmony Bazaar
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Nov 2 2019
    OK City Hosts 1st Annual Harmony Bazaar
    The OK City Chorus was excited to host it's first annual Harmony Bazaar in downtown Edmond, Oklahoma.  We had vendors with a wide variety of goods and services from all over the state.  Stay tuned for details of our second annual Harmony Bazaar and make your plans to support us and our friends!
  • OK City Sings in Scissortail Park!
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Oct 6 2019
    OK City Sings in Scissortail Park!
    We were so excited to get to sing at the opening of Scissortail Park in downtown Oklahoma City last weekend.  The beautification of our city is something we are very excited about and we loved getting to be a part of it.  Temperatures were hot, so we had a great time cooling off after a sunny afternoon sing! 
  • OK City Chorus wins midsized chorus competition
  •  Date Posted: Sun, May 19 2019
    OK City Chorus wins midsized chorus competition
    OK City Chorus is pleased to announce their big win at the 2019 Regional Chorus competition in Little Rock, Arkansas!

    The chorus placed 2nd in the contest's International division, placing us in the running for a wildcard bid to Louisville, Kentucky.  Additionally, OK City Chorus is the 1st place AA chorus in the competition.  We are so excited for the opportunity to represent our region in this role! 
Copyright © 2025 OK City Chorus