2024 OK City Awards & Installation Banquet

2024 OK City Awards & Installation Banquet
Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Martha Thomason
Status: Current
Date Posted: Mon, May 13 2024
~ Submitted by Cheryl Standage ~

There were 101 in attendance for the 2024 Banquet which included several past members (Glenna Howard, George Ann Hite, and Alma Moore).

Members and guests were entertained “On the Air with WSAI” with DJs Barb Underwood and Lyn Graham.

Underwood and Graham, famous for their wit and entertaining style, did not disappoint and showcased the Addy Awards with some amazing talent. Beginning with the Rookies, led by the talented Vickie Dennis, who sang Sweet Adeline, well…. with such talent the Rookie skit was “one of a kind” for sure!

The next song on the DJ’s list of hits was one from the top of the charts, Champagne for Real Friends and Pain for Sham Friends as they introduced OK City Chorus Secretary, Sara Anders.  In a rare moment, Anders had nothing much to  say but stated that the minutes were on the chorus website.

Next on the song line up was If my Nose Were Running Money, I’d Blow it all on You!  This song was so appropriate as they announced Judy Moore as the newly appointed OK City Finance Coordinator (replacing Julie Robinson).  Moore thanked Robinson for her assistance as she navigates through her new position, and Julie of course reciprocated with her thanks to Judy for picking up the secretarial ball.

The new hit, Car for a Song, was next On the Air with WSAI as Jenifer Allbaugh, OK City Music Services Coordinator was announced.

Allbaugh began by singing It Takes a Village, as she thanked her many helpers, including the makeup team (Jen Foster, Casey Lambert, Karen Fox, Cheryl Standage, Leah Arnold, Mary Ann Heath, and Zon Kordic Binkley).  Kudos also went to Leslie Briggs for handling the sound system, Martha Thomason for ZOOM, and asked all those who have helped with risers to stand and be recognized – too many to name.  Allbaugh gave shout-outs to Rod Gertson, Greg Rogers, Russell Rhea and Shane Lambert for their continued help and support of the chorus.

DJs Underwood and Graham and the audience took a big sigh, then announced Sarah Montgomery, OK City Chorus Member Services Coordinator, stating that the growth and change was so great it was “out of hand”!  Montgomery began by presenting Longevity awards to the following:
5 Years: Amanda Coon, Sabrina Hetzler, Carrie Price, Ellen Engh
10 Years: Nicole Gray, Susan James
15 Years: Jen Foster, Audra Haney, Casey Lambert, Julie Moler
30 Years: Karen Fox, Nancy Nortz, Karen Phillips
35 Years: Zon Kordic Binkley


Montgomery continued by thanking all who helped with the OK City sign and mailbox each week and Sara Anders for organizing the pattern bags, Nicki Austin for handling Chorus Buddies and Auditions, Carol Pruitt for sending Birthday cards and many more, including: 
Lynn Rogers – who has made a power point presentation to describe the audition process, updated our guest guide, and new member information.
Linda Hammett – who sends occasion cards, along with certificates and labels, and enters new members into the Church Directory.
Michelle Simpson – for taking attendance and sending notes to those who have missed rehearsal. 
Lyn Graham – for picking up name tags.
Rhonda Hall – for writing notes to first time visitors.  Joining her with this task are Karen Andrews, Lori Riemenschneider, Debbie Hamilton, Vivian Carpenter, and Jen Foster.

For Social Chair - Paula Reed, and in her absence to Sabrina Hetzler for stepping up to help.
Cheryl Hicks, Lindsey Fite, Lori R, Debbie K, Susan Boyd, Becky Smith, Sabrina Hetzler, Courtney Curtis, Mary Ann Heath, and Michelle Simpson Helpers help set up and put away Guest Table.  Cheryl Standage – for keeping in touch with former members for shows and events.  

On the Air with WSAI next announced the incomparable Casey Lambert, OK City Chorus Promotions Coordinator. Casey unveiled a 2.9% jump in Facebook reach and a 100% improvement in organic reach, and thanked Nancy Nortz for her proof work and ideas. Nicki Austin and Martha Thomason get outstanding marks for their work on the chorus website and social media presence. Thanks went to the Management Team, Linda Hammett for pictures and Savannah Head for the slideshow.

Nancy Nortz, OK City Chorus Events Coordinator, was up next.  Thanks was reciprocated when Nancy thanked Casey Lambert for her promotions work. Thanks went to Julie Robinson for always being there to answer her money questions, Martha Thomason and Nicki Austin for their work on the website and Facebook, Jenifer Allbaugh for her facility work, Susan Gertson for helping EVERYONE, Donna Smith for all the work she does on setting up gigs, Lacy Reed for her work on Youth in Harmony, Judy Moore for organizing Singing Valentines, Barb and Lyn for hosting the banquet, Caroline Shacklett for the banquet decorations and to the many others who helped on the Annual Show.

WSAI News Break!!

Local Elections were held where apparently the following people managed to be re-elected to the OK City Management Team!
  1. Membership Chair:  Sarah Montgomery
  2. Promotion Chair:  Casey Lambert
  3. Team Leader:  Susan Gertson
The three were installed with the very appropriate quote:  I CAN AND I WILL!

Susan Gertson, OK City Chorus Team Leader, addressed the audience with amazing statistics announcing that the chorus had 19 new members since last year’s Installation Banquet.  Gertson also stated that OK City’s 2nd place at Regionals was in “first place” in the 2nd place category and was in 6th place overall!  Whew…. Did you get that??  Gertson thanked OK City Music Director Mary Rhea for her leadership and guidance and assured Rhea that she would have the chorus support during her Presidency.  Gertson presented the DJ Hensley Administrative Award to the very deserving and very honored Sabrina Hetzler.

Susan then presented our OK City Chorus Director Mary Rhea a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the chorus, and Donna Smith presented to her a very cool T-shirt reflecting her prestigious and deserving titles, QUEEN, PRESIDENT, BOTH!  OK City Chorus is so proud to have the Sweet Adeline International President added this year to her Queen status earned with Zing in 2010. 

Rhea thanked all the section leaders, Lynn Rogers - Tenor Section, Susan Gertson - Baritone Section, Paula Scott - Lead Section, and Reba Osburn - Bass Section.   Rhea also thanked the Assistant Directors, Nancy Nortz, Paula Scott and Vickie Dennis, the visual team, Zon Kordic Binkley, Nancy Nortz and Donna Smith.  Rhea continued by thanking Leslie Briggs for her work as Music Librarian and Scottie Frakes, Paula Reed, Amanda Coon, Julie Moler and Audra Haney for handling the pitch pipes, the Creative Team, Leah, Barb, Lyn, Casey, Marie, Courtney, and Donna, for their ideas and shows and for making her ideas a reality.  Rhea assured all the WSAI listeners that she is here first for the OK City Chorus and plans to be at most Tuesday rehearsals as she navigates the SAI Presidency.

Sara Anders presented the Opal Chandler Award to a very deserving Martha Thomason and thanked Linda Hammett, Cindy Allen, and Cheryl Standage for the great articles they have written thus far for the chorus website.

Wrapping up the star-studded evening was a slideshow showcasing the OK City Chorus’ fabulous year of fun, achievement, and exciting memories.

Signing off from On the Air with WSAI is Barb Underwood and Lyn Graham.

Be sure and Stay Tuned while we make another year of fun, achievement, and exciting memories to celebrate!